Hot Metel Ladle/Torpedo Ladle

Steel Fiber High Alumina Castable

Al2O3 ≥80%
Refractoriness ≥1790℃
Max Service Temperature 1550℃
Steel fiber refractory castable is a refractory castable made of high-aluminum clinker or brown corundum as aggregate, adding binder, appropriate amount of heat-resistant stainless steel fiber and additives. It is mainly used as filling mix for the mouth or the cone head of torpedo.
Technical Properties
1.High strength.
2.High temperature resistance.
3.Thermal shock resistance.
4.Good wear resistance.

Steel fiber refractory castable is mainly used as filling mix for the mouth or the cone head of torpedo.

Technical Data Sheet:
Item Value
Al2O3 (%) ≥80
Refractoriness (℃) ≥1790
Cold Crushing Strength (110℃*24h) (MPa) ≥35
Max Service Temperature (℃) 1550
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ADD: Songlou Industrial Zone, Henan Province, China.
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