Hot Metel Ladle/Torpedo Ladle

Light Weight Gunning Material for Safety Lining

Al2O3 ≥50%
Bulk Density ≥1.90g/cm3
Max Service Temperature 1400℃
The light weight gunning material is made of dense high alumina bauxite, silicon carbide, white corundum powder, SiO2 powder, Al2O3 powder and pure calcium aluminate cement as raw materials.
Technical Properties
1.Good construction performance.
2.Good High Temperature Performance.
3.Long service life.
4.Stable structure.

The light weight gunning material can be used for the steel making industry.

Technical Data Sheet:
Item Value
Al2O3 (%) ≥50
Bulk Density (g/cm3) ≥1.90
Cold Crushing Strength (110℃*24h)  (MPa) ≥2.0
Permanent Linear Change (1400℃*3h) (%) +0.5~-1.0
Max Service Temperature (℃) 1400

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ADD: Songlou Industrial Zone, Henan Province, China.
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