
Magnesia Chromite Brick

MgO >54%
Cr2O3 >5%
Apparent Porosity <24%
Bulk Density >2.7g/cm3
Magnesia chromite bricks are fired at high temperature with magnesia and chromium concentrate as the main raw materials.Magnesia Chromite Brick has excellent thermal shock stability and resistance to repeated condensation and evaporation of alkali steam.
Technical Properties
1.Excellent thermal shock stability
2.Good resistance to alkali steam.
3.High cold crushing strength.

It is mainly used for central checker bricks and wall bricks in the regenerator of glass melting furnaces.

Technical Data Sheet:
Item  Unit Magnesia Chromite Brick
Chemical Composition  MgO % >54
Cr2O3 % >5
SiO2 % <18
Fe2O3 % <9
Apparent Porosity % <24
Bulk Density g/cm3 >2.7
Cold Crushing Strength MPa >25
0.2MPa Refractoriness Under Load >1530
Permanent Linear Change (1500℃x2h) % 0~0.43
Application - basic burnt
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ADD: Songlou Industrial Zone, Henan Province, China.
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